Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Committee
MIT Postdoctoral Association
Projects include:
- Equitable Hiring: administered a survey to all the postdoctoral researchers at MIT to try and gain an understanding of how postdocs at MIT found their position at the institute with an emphasis on gender and race. We created a subsequent analytical report about the postdoctoral community’s hiring and recruitment experiences with suggestions on hiring processes submitted to the VPR together with the Advocacy committee.
- Book club: founding member of a DEI focused book club
- Journal club
Advocacy Committee
MIT Postdoctoral Association
Projects include:
Postdoctoral housing experience: administered a survey to all the postdoctoral researchers at MIT to try and gain an understanding the housing experiences of postdocs. Emphasis was placed on initial moves to the Boston area including any unique difficulties or obstacles faced by various subgroups of postdocs. We are creating an analytical report about the postdoctoral community’s housing experiences with suggestions for improvement.
Postdoc onbording: We are working to reform onboarding resources for new hires including, relocation, and housing guides which would allow ease of inclusion and integration for postdoctoral researchers of a variety of backgrounds and economic situations.
Reduced parking fees for postdocs
Postdoctoral Women Engaged in Research (PoWER)
MIT Postdoctoral Association
Core member of the group. Worked to restart PoWER after a many-year hiatus.
Activities include:
Networking and community building initiatives. Organizing networking and socializing events for Postdoctoral Women to meet and engage with each other. These include virtual and in-person networking events, in-person socializations, etc.
Creation of the #coffee-club slack channel for impromptu small in-person gatherings.